Eureka Lemon Tree Seeds

Eureka Lemon (Citrus limon)
The Eureka Lemon tree produces a steady supply of lemons throughout the year, exactly what is needed to keep your kitchen constantly supplied with these healthy and valuable fruits. This tree produces large, tangy lemons with a skin rich in lemon oil that will always be available for salad dressings. lemonade and baking. The tree is open-branching, so it needs little pruning and has virtually no thorns, so it is easy to handle and safe to have around children. It will grow in all warm areas, but is frost-sensitive and should be planted in a warm, south or southeast facing location, preferably near a building if you live in areas where occasional frost can occur.

The Eureka Lemon Tree will grow well in a pot and can be kept indoors during cold weather. Keep it outdoors in a sunny spot as long as there is no frost. Now everyone can enjoy the benefits of growing their own lemons with this constantly-fruiting tree that will give you fresh, home-grown lemons any time you want them. No special pruning, or another tree for pollination, is needed, just sit back and wait for the harvest.

Eureka Lemons
The Eureka Lemon Tree will grow in most types of soil that are well-drained and it likes plenty of organic material in the soil. Always plant on a slope or on a wide, low mound of soil, rather than in a hollow. Although citrus trees can suffer from some pests and diseases, these are usually fairly harmless and in home gardens it is rare to need any pest control. Sometimes the fruit will have a few blemishes, but it will be naturally grown and chemical-free, which is a real bonus from growing your own fruit trees at home.

The Eureka Lemon tree is a special variety that originated in Los Angeles, California in the 1850’s. It was a seedling from some seeds brought over from Italy and its special qualities were soon noticed. It is also sometimes called the Four-Season Lemon because it bears fruit all year round, unlike the older Lisbon type of lemon. From that original tree all other Eureka Lemon trees have been produced.
  • Produces ripe fruit all year round
  • Best lemon variety for home production
  • Easily grown in a pot in cooler regions
  • No special care needed
  • Beautiful white, scented blossoms too
Eureka Lemon Trees are self-fertile. You will get fruit with only one plant. However, adding an additional Eureka Lemon Tree will drastically increase the size of your crop.

Mature Height: 8-12 ft. Unpruned

Mature Width: 6-8 ft.

Sunlight: Full Sun

Spacing: 15-20 ft.

Growth Rate: Moderate

Drought Tolerance: Good

Harvest Time: October - December

Fruit Color: Yellow

Year to Bear: Fruits 1st Year

Botanical Name: Citrus limon 'Eureka'
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